Why hello! so tonight will be a looooooong night. I did a shoot today for A&E, a promo Commercial for the Soprano's / Subaru, I think it will air June 18th & June 23rd! It was pretty cool, an early morning though, which isn't my style at all. I went to sleep around 2am, and got up around 5. We shot around NJ, stopping by some of the key locations of the actual sopranos sets...Pizzaland, Big pussy's auto shop and all that good stuff.
Anyway..so yeah finished up around 6. stopped in Old Navy, i had to bring back my shorts cause they started a sale the day after bought them! My mother taught me well. Then headed back home...watched UFC 71 on the subway, which was slow. they always stop to get tunnel coffee in the tunnel, and no one will ever tell me otherwise. I was falling asleep where i sat. I was all out of food..well frozen dinners so i went to Good Ol Key food to get some more food. I got a million banquet dinners...shit 10 for 10 bucks! and some pot pies and whatnot. Finally got home, ate, checked my mail, played some Onimusha... and then boom. The wearyness hit me like a whale at the craps table. So yeah... i'm in dreamyland till about 2:46am. Now its after 4am. I'm not even tired. A cup noodles sits in my micro. waiting for me. I just had a black & white cookie, but i didn't let it settle for 5 minutes, and now i'm not even sure i'm still hungry.
I feel asleep in my jeans before. Glory is on AMC, and I just finished the heeltaps of my cherry pepsi. I watched "Charlottes Web" with Dakota fanning i think thats her name, it was a purdy cute movie! Alright. Good night to all and to all a good night~
davey boy :)
ReplyDeleteI am the owner of Pizzaland we meet the day of the shoot. I was seeing if you had a copy of it. If you do can you let me know. email me pizzalandpizza@yahoo.com