Wanna see some fake profiles??? yeah, fuckers using my pictures. They're fake. go laugh:
Sexxxy Fire Man
"Latino 4 life" i'm black dumbass.
So yeah haha, i hate those. anyway...if anyone sees any, drop them my way. Also, here is some other fun stuff that you can go post funny comments on if you wish, or look out for on TV!!
>>>> Dave R- Alloy (i'm no longer "single"!) :P
>>>> umm.."Sexual Chocolate"
And yes, i'm embarrassed by that last title. either way, look out for it. Speaking of sexual chocolate, at the movie shoot, I stole hot chocolate, and chips, sodas and lots of other good stuff. My gf stole hazlenut coffee insta-stuff. Her and her coffee bandit buddy. Hey, you gotta get while the gettins good, is what mama reed instilled in me.
I had to go to the Crown Plaza Hotel today, and play golf in this room set up to look like..the crown plaza. You don't understand. My job today, was to be in this room and play golf. Billionaires would come in and the IHG (international Hotel Group - owns Crown Plaza, Candlelight Inn, Holiday Inn, blah blah) so they richies come in, to potentially invest or buy with there large sums of money. So yeah, played golf and boy was I tired. I was fighting. It felt like little naked assless demons were hanging from my eyelids.
I should be tired, i'm not. I might jog. later. I want a blackberry 8830.
It's really funny to be within 15 feet of another interracial couple while waiting
for the subway. It's almost a tangible feeling of "awareness". haha :)
Torey man, you gotta come see the place! Let me know when you're off kindga kah.
Girlshirts. They're almost here. I promise (I hope).
I also got booked for a promo commercial for Subaru/The Soprano's which is kinda cool!
i'll be the "black guy in the car". sweet.
I'm gonna go play my video game now "Onimusha". catch you late!!
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