A new "In My Inbox" is in the works, i just recently starting saving msg's, so look out for that too.
Random Facts: I ordered 100ft ethernet wire on ebay for only about 15 bucks (including shipping).
I had to buy some boots from Payless today. I'm doing some featured extra work for some movie..i'll be a security guard or something. I go up to the counter and the clerk says "Buy another pair of shoes for half off". So of course i had to go pick some others out. I'm really sore right now.
The good lord needs to do something about headphone wires. They love to get stuck on everything! I mean, they actually go out of there way to get caught on whatever possible, it really bugs me. And when you're listening to music, its like your soul is being ripped out final fantasy style and it just...it just needs to end.
KNOCKED UP!! Spectacularly funny, A definately must see!
OCEANS 13 - Well, doesn't quite steal the show like 11 or 12.
SURFS UP - Very Cute movie, great animation, and pretty to watch!
Don't forget its almost fathers day! Have a good weekend folks ~
Davey :)
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