
Six Flags!

"God Damn it!!" and poof, the lord giveth beavers.

I won a blackberry, but I think the data package is probably too
much for me to afford. Sucks. its so pretty.

Its funny to think that we are all humans. The human animal. Our
minds make our lives. If I were to say to you right now: LIsten,
you need to take more control of your life, you can do whatever you
want to do, don't get stuck in a routine that doesn't excite you.
It could quite possibly change your life. The time you're taking to
read this, is changing the course of your life.

Michelle and I went to 6 Flags Great Adventure!! Good times. Flash Pass,
huge! unhealthy food, candy apples, funnel cakes shit I felt like templeton!
I wonder who got that joke? Here take a looksee:

--- I actually wrote all that about 3 days ago, but couldn't upload the video. Its a new night, i'm watching "John Tucker Must Die" I must say..its pretty amusing. Hits a lot of valid issues, and is just oh so high school!

So i was part of "The Network" yesterday, ya know, those verizon commercials. 6am call time though, brutal. And Yes, the Verizon guy was there! This morning i had a shoot, hopefully i'll get some good shots from it. Grapes are good. its been the busiest week ever.


  1. "and poof, the lord giveth beavers."

    only you davey, only you.

  2. that just might be the worst thing to happen...
    you know what else happens? apparently, people's pants pockets get caught on train seat handrests (never happened to me). And so as to not reimburse everyone for ripped pants, the MTA is spending some millions of dollars to replace ALL handrests!
    what a cause! :)

  3. Y'all are the cutest couple ever!

    (All of a sudden I have a southern accent!)
