
Ninja Warrior

What up champs! So internet is working ok today, so I might be able to get through this without getting cut off! The new place is cool, but enough about the new place! It's nice to go shopping and by my own food. Its nice to not have to plan my days 3 days in advance. And wonder how i'll shower and/or sleep. Its definately nice! Dude, I watched 24 hours of ninja Warrior the other day, hot damn i love that show! I want to buy some ninja boots, so i'm looking them up now. haha, I had a ninja costume i ordered online, but it frickin disappeared! I had sai's and everything. Sai's are the weapon that Raphael the ninja turtle had, fyi.
Ok. 28 Days Later= pretty good, not as good as the first one, but better than I expected!
Shrek the Third= eh...thought it would be much funnier. "eh".
Spiderman= I didn't care much for the second one, but this one was a fun movie to watch!
(note: Lots of crying in it though).

My ipod is doing pretty good. I watched Labarynth on my ipod, it was my first time seeing it all the way through! What a great movie. One of my favorite Jim Henson Movies is "The Dark Crystal"

I'm eating strawberry banana jello right now. I like jello better when its not cold. I'm also watching Celeb. fit club right now, and waiting patiently for the blow up by the black guy towards Dustin Diamond.!!

I had 3 castings this morning, the last one, for a print job, about 10 other people and myself got stuck in the elevator. It was eh for the first few minutes, then it got real. Luckily we were dramatically rescued, and the last person out didn't get cut in half climbing out of the elevator between the two floors.

Alright, sorry it took soooo long for an update, but i don't have internet yet! thanks for stoppin by :)

1 comment:

  1. Thought I was the only one that likes "The Dark Crystal"... I have it on DVD at home... Can't believe I am taking the time out to read all these blogs. Can't believe you took the time out to write them... They're cute tho...
