So yesterday wasn't the best day for me. oh well. It happens.
Well, it was awesome to go home and see my parents and my li'l nephs! I miss them already.
I watched the movie Pride with Terrance was really good actually. It was on Encore on Demand. My parents have all the channels on demand, its awesome.
I'm dong better today. I brought food from home, thats always fun. I had to carry a big umm..well those soft cooler type things, with ice all in it.
My feet are really cold I should put on socks.
I read so much Harry Potter tonight...i'm on a frickin spiral and i can't pull out. C'mon get your mind outta the gutter!
Anyway, random fact:
I'm gonna be on TV tomorrow,and Times Square Wednesday Morning wearing boxers and wings for this cause:
I love animals :)
Great blog! You seem like an interesting person, and you do a lot of community service type work. My blog is all about people who make our world a better place, like you. I'll link your blog as an inspirational story. Keep blogging!