Shit, the people have chosen! FUCK!
An Evening with Marc Ecko !
Marc Grew up in Lakewood, and we both went to Lakewood High School, and had the same Art Teacher! Thanks so much Mrs. Landesberg for this opportunity :)
I must say it was Surreal. Being back in my own school, (only about 10 or so Alumni were personally invited) And getting to meet Marc, who is an International Fashion Mogul now, and who I looked up to and still do admire greatly. His artwork is awesome. I wore the first Ecko shirt i'd ever bought "Powerful Potion" seen here:

Out of all the celebs out there, this was special for me, to meet the one guy who really inspired and fueled my love for art, and for creativity. I think about 8th grade or so, is when i got into Ecko, and I still have every single item of clothing i bought. This makes me proud to be from Lakewood, and also has given me a kick in the butt to start drawing more and more, and to reach and strive, and strive more and reach further.
It was really good for me, It really hit home.
Check out the video of Marc Ecko tagging Air Force One!!!!
More images of the Fashion show at Lakewood High School - 2/23/08
Have a great week all!
Miss you goober <3
A Thorn in Time Pasts.
It's amazing how feelings can change day to day. From Great to not so much, then just to ok. Lost and then found. Innocence and guilt. The two things in which relationships are built. LIfe can get you down to your lowest of lows, from the bridge of your nose way down through your toes. Things can remind you you're very much alone. Nobody. Anybody.... Life can be like a knife, cutting and chopping. Inhale, exhale, it drives without stopping, chills to the bone like the temperature dropping. Open your eyes, have no fear. You must keep in mind that your savior is near. It's you, the enemy, its you the friend, its you that will make it through in the end. Evil begets evil, and good begets good, its hard to hold on, but you could if you would, bask in the sun when no sun is among, the sweet taste of life on the tip your tongue. The happiness within glows through to the skin, and here you must let a new journey begin. All the bad and wrong done to you, digest it down and start anew, like a dew covered bud reaching towards the sun, we must never stop reaching until we have won. Winning is surviving and climbing to bliss. Changing the world, or just a person, or just yourself or just a vision, the phenomenal power of a simple decision. A picture, a note, a smile the touch of a hand. The touch of nature of trees and wind, fire, inspire, the ocean. Open. Laughter, the sweet smells, the warm. Your. A touch of your soul makes it mean so much more. The time of struggle reminds us we're alive, without this balance, we'd never survive. Eyes!
Just something I found somewhere-
(just a passage I found, i don't want anyone thinking i'm depressed, i'm good!)
Just something I found somewhere-
(just a passage I found, i don't want anyone thinking i'm depressed, i'm good!)
Roobers for goobers!
It's been a weekend! I hope you had a lovely Valentines Day :)
I had to work Thursday, but I sent theeeeeese!
Massage chair what? Valentines Day celebrations...i was a little nervous, but all went well. We lit some candles and just talked. (after making a delightful dinner of tacos). Gifts and Dinner is just great but c'mon people if you cant just sit and talk and relax and be happy, it ain't the golden key. It ain't the honey bear. It ain't the iron-clad clementine.
Cinnamon sparkly graham crackers, Jet-puffed softee marshmallows, and hersheys symphony milk chocolate: Smores made for the gods.
So good. Go to your local grocery store and make them tonight. 2 night son.
Saturday was Movie Day Yay! 3 movies in one day! Oh yes, sneaky devils we are... Spiderwick, 27 dresses, definitely maybe! All pretty good. We did not eat healthy during movie day. I mean, what do you expect when you're locked into Concession stand goodies! (A whole helluvalot of mmmm) ;)
I think I missed Lost Thursday....
I bought toothpaste today. Colgate. It was on sale. You don't care. I watched Making the band 4 tonight. I like the song the guys sing. Oh, and I am starting to strongly dislike Aubrey. ugh. Alright. I need to get off this hot box. Have a grand ol night folks. :)
I had to work Thursday, but I sent theeeeeese!
Cinnamon sparkly graham crackers, Jet-puffed softee marshmallows, and hersheys symphony milk chocolate: Smores made for the gods.
So good. Go to your local grocery store and make them tonight. 2 night son.
Saturday was Movie Day Yay! 3 movies in one day! Oh yes, sneaky devils we are... Spiderwick, 27 dresses, definitely maybe! All pretty good. We did not eat healthy during movie day. I mean, what do you expect when you're locked into Concession stand goodies! (A whole helluvalot of mmmm) ;)
I think I missed Lost Thursday....
I bought toothpaste today. Colgate. It was on sale. You don't care. I watched Making the band 4 tonight. I like the song the guys sing. Oh, and I am starting to strongly dislike Aubrey. ugh. Alright. I need to get off this hot box. Have a grand ol night folks. :)
Crushed Valentine
haha, rocks!
CLick here to go to the actual page:

I had to work tonight, I had a shoot. I can't sleep much. I'm just not tired. Not sure why.
I should be. Levis casting tomorrow. Wish me luck. I saw gone baby gone today on my
ipod, good stuff. I'm watching Beowulf now. Pretty darn good as well! I'm thirsty.
I made some new ringtones for my phone tonight too! yay. Alright. attempting to
get some sleep. nighty night :)
CLick here to go to the actual page:

I had to work tonight, I had a shoot. I can't sleep much. I'm just not tired. Not sure why.
I should be. Levis casting tomorrow. Wish me luck. I saw gone baby gone today on my
ipod, good stuff. I'm watching Beowulf now. Pretty darn good as well! I'm thirsty.
I made some new ringtones for my phone tonight too! yay. Alright. attempting to
get some sleep. nighty night :)
Puppy Love :)

Posted in Around Town by Dan Avery on February 6th, 2008

The scantily clad "Cupids" who paraded around Times Square this morning to publicize the Mayor’s
Also, watch the video of me as a Cupid Here:
CW11 Morning Show Segment
Adopt a Pet
The NYC Animal Alliance Did a segment on the CW11 Morning show this morning!
CLick to watch me play a "cupid" with one of the little cuties!
Davey as Cupid..
It will probalby only be available for today!
CLick to watch me play a "cupid" with one of the little cuties!
Davey as Cupid..
It will probalby only be available for today!
Winged Pride
So you've all seen this commercial. And I really like the song:
So yesterday wasn't the best day for me. oh well. It happens.
Well, it was awesome to go home and see my parents and my li'l nephs! I miss them already.
I watched the movie Pride with Terrance was really good actually. It was on Encore on Demand. My parents have all the channels on demand, its awesome.

I'm dong better today. I brought food from home, thats always fun. I had to carry a big umm..well those soft cooler type things, with ice all in it.
My feet are really cold I should put on socks.
I read so much Harry Potter tonight...i'm on a frickin spiral and i can't pull out. C'mon get your mind outta the gutter!
Anyway, random fact:
I'm gonna be on TV tomorrow,and Times Square Wednesday Morning wearing boxers and wings for this cause:
I love animals :)
So yesterday wasn't the best day for me. oh well. It happens.
Well, it was awesome to go home and see my parents and my li'l nephs! I miss them already.
I watched the movie Pride with Terrance was really good actually. It was on Encore on Demand. My parents have all the channels on demand, its awesome.
I'm dong better today. I brought food from home, thats always fun. I had to carry a big umm..well those soft cooler type things, with ice all in it.
My feet are really cold I should put on socks.
I read so much Harry Potter tonight...i'm on a frickin spiral and i can't pull out. C'mon get your mind outta the gutter!
Anyway, random fact:
I'm gonna be on TV tomorrow,and Times Square Wednesday Morning wearing boxers and wings for this cause:
I love animals :)
Why Candlelight? Well because I've got a bunch of candles going, and i'm watching a little HP and realizing that tonight could be boring...but you know what? Thats alright. note: 3 of which are artificial, but look as real as rain.
Hmm. was gonna go see a movie. but eh.
Actually, I think thats all for tonight.
Hmm. was gonna go see a movie. but eh.
Actually, I think thats all for tonight.
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