Today, just one of those days.
I mean it started out fairly well, and went along fairly well...
except for a few mishaps. Twice i went down into the subway only
to realize this side was the opposite of the side i wanted to be on.
I had a casting for some runner thing, and also for a Burger King print ad.
They went fine. I was really hungry though. I decide to get popeyes from 34th street.
I take the subway up there, only to find out that its closed. So i decide to walk to the one
on 40th st. Not too far of a walk, but i was tired, hungry, and just hot.
The subway was really hot. I helped a lady carry her huge suitcase up the steps.
She told me that her mother had told her not to pack what you couldn't carry, and
then she told me that it was very nice to see that there are a few gentlemen still
left in New York city. I felt good about that. Its interesting that no one else knew about
that until just now.
I did my laundry .
I have to be up like 5 hours. Michelle has ordered me to sleep.
Tomorrow will be a busy day.
I feel strange tonight. I get this way sometimes.
one of those nights i don't even post a picture on here.