I'm gonna take some acting classes. I need to get my act together. need to Spread my wings, and confront the things that frighten me. Let loose. Let myself out there! Its time to move up. I need some projects! Ok, i've vented enough. Had an amazing weekend, amazing. girlfriend = amazing. Pics are pretty sweet too, artsy and all that jazz, check'm here:
"Rolling Hills" . Lots of video gaming went on yesterday...I was indeed lazy, but thats alright. worked this morning on AMC, and already back. Audition later. wish me luck. I ate at bubba gump shrimp with the chocolateers, my burger was burnt to a crisp. I asked for med. well, and I almost broke my teeth. I thought for sure I had bitten into a foreign object. I made the waitress & manger squeeze the meet, so I wouldn't be seen as "one of those" patrons. They were cool and didn't make me feel like a ninkompoop. Well thats all for now, thanks for stopping by :)
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