
Cape Fear

Oh what I wouldn't do for that book..."tales of beedle the bard" below.
American's Best Dance crew? I think thats what its called...pretty good show. Numerous "thats hot" dances going on.

LOST! just as unusual as usual... I've very glad to have it back, its been way too long.
It was annoying a few times, TWC at least, cut out to black for a few moments. You just can't be doing that, this Lost is serious business. Get your ducks in order.

Random Fact. I'm wearing a cape right now. wait.. a cloak? no, definitely a cape.
haha ok, proof:

It's gonna rain tomorrow I think. Not too much fun.
But this is fun. Check out the Jabawockeez;

WALL-E: Click the picture to view the trailer!
I would embed it, but i don't know how to embed quicktime files, and youtube video of the trailer just does not do it justice.

Until next time :)


Long days

Woof! I worked about 14/15 hours yesterday on the lovely set of AMC (all my children) If you watch the show, it will be the Fashion show to raise awareness of Heart Disease! Longggg day. Anyway, I was informed of this: Sign into facebook; search: dwayne beckwith

Sean John Casting today. I'm hungry, gonna make waffles.

Elphias doooooogge. (harry potter character). So i'm about half way done with the 7th and final book. It's oh so sad. I am however looking forward to the tales of beedle the bard. Assuming that will be out soon. I need more rowling.

The cosby kids. thee end.

My feet are cold, i haven't got any socks on. Silly yes. I'm aware.

I had to run to my callback yesterday during my lunchbreak at AMC! I made it though..2 hours early, but they still saw me. It was for NBC, a commercial. I just had to stand there and make some faces...you know, silly, natrual, smiley, umm.. sexy. I hated admitting that.

random fact:

I had three pieces of Oreo cake..well it was regular chocolate cake with icing and oreo's crumbled on top. 3.
I wanted carrot cake, but it had walnuts. God damn it. Way to ruin it. Way to ruin my life in those moments. With your damn nuts. If i'd have let a racoon loose on those cakes, nobody would have any. ( i didn't have a racoon)

Ok, time to get my day started. have a lovely umm..wednesday. Happy Thump day!
I know i know..get over it.



Boo mexico, boo.

Agh. NJ didn't win. Boo.
Hmm what will i ever eat for breakfast.

:)A classic case where the person didn't know how to use a digital camera...
and once we had all lost hope...SNAP!

have a great weekend! :)


Eat my shorts

Hey, ever wonder who does the voice of Bart Simpson? You'll be suprised....
I didn't put 2&2 together till I was watching on of my favorite movies, "The Twilight Zone the Movie". It's an 80's classic, keep an eye out for it!

Hippo's are Killers. But here we have a cute one:

i'm drawing a horse...

super soak dat "ohhhhhh"!

Had an audition for Virgin Mobile today, and a casting for Getty images today.
I was up kinda early, not too bad. Also, They're doing construction downstairs so
it sounds like i'm sleeping on top of terminator, the return of the machines. Or attack
of the clones, whichever you please. super soak dat ohhhh




I cooked today! yay! ground beef...i made beef burritos with shredded cheese and rice and all that jazz, it was good, i'm as full as a tick on christmas!

I also finished another drawing..hope you likey-


Weekend :)

it was a gooood weeekend!
Sorry Dub-C, we couldn't get in to celebrate,
but you got a movie, my treat. Happy B-day.

I finished my drawing, and am in the midst of starting anew..
Also watching paranormal state, although not really paying too much attention to it at the moment. Goos and I were deep into the spookiness yesterday.. reading ghost stories, watching tales from the hood and all that fun shtuff.

I need to shave and shower.

Ok, back to drawing. Until next time :)


Little Debbie

I finished a new drawing tonight yay!
Well..its technically saturday..but you know.
It's friday.

NYC tip: if a subway comes, and all the cars are
packed except for one car with one person in it.
Don't go in. It will funking stink you in the face hard.
hasn't happened to me in awhile, but its fun to watch the
innocent people get on, then come bounding through the doors
half deceased from the plague of there ordeal.

I was in a zone earlier tonight drawing. Its the best.
I saw "The Great Debaters". Good movie, powerful.

Any word on Cloverfield? anyone seen it yet? hmm...i'm curious.
I like lost..but i'm not too sure.

I need to put in a dvd, eat my fruit and my little debbie oatmeal
cream pie and get to bed. Night night, sleep tight, better yet check
out these bugs fight! JapaneseBugFights.com



Well, technically its umm..thursday. But this is for wednesday.
Went to an audition, and then to the gym.
The doctored my cold.

i'm doing ok, but going to bed now. night :)



So, It was brought to my attention once again..this glitter graphic that Is circulating...that I DID NOT create! haha..i don't want anyone to think that
I sat there and made that eating a bag of narcissistic cookies or something. Not at all. I had them send me the link: www.commentcherry.com

I can't believe i've become a "showin some love" annoying sparkly. jeez louise.

I had two auditions today, so give me a little luck!

My jaw is feeling a bit better btw.




Got my stitches out today..I was expecting pain..but nope! It was quicker than an alabama sundee! So i'm not sure who "Anonymous" is down below..but as far as cotton candy goes you've got a point. I'm not sure who that kid is, but i'm extremely envious.
My friend Informed me of the new start to Lost, which i'm STOKED about. TOREY STOKED. ?? anyway... I have a little world in my pocket. I brought it in case i needed something to squeeeeze ya know. It's little. and its the world.

I let an old huwhite lady go on and get her bagels before I did today in shoprite. She was so grateful! I was in a good mood. If you haven't seen the secret, see it. It really can change things for the better if you're strong enough to let it.

I secretly feel that one smile at a time I can further change the views of how black folk are perceived today. A smile goes a long way. We on the east coast think things are fine and dandy, but some peoples only exposure to coloreds (can't believe i spelled that correctly) is BET and gangsta movies. It's funny that i think about that kinda thing on a normal basis. I wonder if everyone does.

Anyway..time to go make breakfast...there will be a hungry bandit waking up soon..



(older blog)

My jaw hurts. Salt water doesn’t taste very good. It’s my Birthday. I want to make buttttterscotch pudding, but I don’t have enough milk. I think its raining outside. Those are my wisdom teeth. Thee end.

Jan 9th Wed


Got my wisdom teeth pulled today. All 4. I’ve consumed two milkshakes or.. “frosties” from Wendies (Vanilla). And some mashed potatoes.

Thee end.

(older blog)

My jaw hurts. Salt water doesn’t taste very good. It’s my Birthday. I want to make buttttterscotch pudding, but I don’t have enough milk. I think its raining outside. Those are my wisdom teeth. Thee end.

Got my wisdom teeth pulled today. All 4. I’ve consumed two milkshakes or.. “frosties” from Wendies (Vanilla). And some mashed potatoes.

Thee end.

a few days later...

Hey now! Yeah, i’ve been a little slow. Its tough to keep up this “daily” blog thing :) I’m working on it. So i’m still in some pain now…but getting I bit better each day i’d say. It’s hard to tell really.

I was suppose to work this week, but i’m still in way too much pain. Especially when I smile and/or talk loudly, which i’d say are the two most important things in promotions! oh well.. i needed the money, but things happen (or don’t happen) for a reason.

I watched Planet Earth today, with Michelles mom. Michelle was at the pulse..its a dance thingy..i went yesterday to watch, she had classes with umm..Brian freedman and luam amongst other great choreographers in the dance world.

I had a dream last night that I had planned on going to sweden, and I had booked my plane ticket way in advance…but had forgotten and they just kept calling me from the airport to notify me that today was the day. I recall getting packed quickly..but then not wanting to go. I was then suddenly at some midwestern mall type place..and when you go into a store, there were plastic bins you could put your belongings. I had lost my sweatshirt and sneakers i had stored, but soon found them. Weird.

I’m watching Predator right now. One of the greatest of movies. The Guvna at his BEST!

I’m not sure if i should switch back to my regular blog or keep this one.


my face hurts :(


New Skin

So i'm considering switching over to this Blog....

- Dave's New Blog -

Go check it out :)


the morning after...

Ugh..so it hurts a bit. Just too some tylenol ..i guess thats spelled wrong..
Anyway, Yeah my baby is gonna come take care of me today :) My mom
took care of me last night, getting my gauze..made me some mashed potatoes,
got some wendys vanilla frosties (4) for me and we watched the primaries.

my jaw hurts.

ps. go and look at yesterdays post.
I have no recollection of writing it whatsoever.



Moments ago they pulled them ouu. Im numb& sleepy. Tchnically high i guess!

My first suferyy :)

Until later ..


sunday sunday

My parents brought me some titanic shelves today! We put them together, and I now have a new room! Well..not really, but yeah.

I cooked breakfast for michelle today yay!
I need to buy some Pam though. (non-stick)

This pic was last night at Arena in Newark, Aaron you should have come through! more pics on webshots & Facebook :) Ok, hope you all
had a great weekend, I did.

Flatliners...great movie.

Pointless fact: Right now, there is a biscuit on my bed, and my yellow ooze lava lamp is on.



berry blog

So i'm writing from my blackberry, even though my computer is right in front of me! Lets see if it works.

I cooked in my kitchen in my apt for the first time today! Its part of my movement to start eating more and eating healthier.

Pointless fact: a week or two ago, i bought three cartons of minute maid's wonderful cherry limeade. I also live under the fear enduced umbrella that it will dissapear off the shelves, and i will be forced to endure the sharp pangs of its great loss.

Thee end.


Getting a move on

I had two auditions today, one for at&t, the other for popeyes. Eh, they were fine.
I also went to the gym. I discovered how to make my own ringtones for my blackberry. It's so easy, and so great, and so free!

I'm convinced nerds have crack in the formula. I ate some cereal, but I strongly believe the milk had soured a little. I have a slight headache, so I think this calls for laying down.

I need to go shopping. For groceries. Oh, i began reading harry potter 7 today.
I started earlier on when i got the book, but i've re-started.

Now i'll re-say that i'm going to lay down. Toodles.


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Well we made it, didn't we! Christmas gets hectic, and oh what to do for New years! Another one bites the dust, I hope you all started off the new year with a smile :) I did!
I finally got a munny!!
I did a lot for Christmas, I can't recall all of it. But it was fun :)
So this is a munny:
New years was spent with Gooser & Torey, and we just acted silly and ate mounds of junkfood. It was great! MY parents went to the TIKI bar in Pt. Pleasant, and my dad resembled an african arms dealer. He was cool though. Dave Sr. is a cool guy.

I juggled, and ate a piece of popcorn with whipped cream on it.
What do you think about that.

Later skater :)