
Nilla Killers

Boy did I eat like a king this weekend! Thanks baby ;)
Ok, new news:

The Killpoint - Yeah that would have been cool if i was in the show...but i'm in the webisode! (Thats an episode you can view online, derr) To view them, go to www.Spiketv.com or just click here:
Dave as "Julio"- The Killpoint

I had a callback today! Went well! For some spot having to do with Cotton. Like actual cotton.
I had to pretend it was the sweetest smelling cotton of all time, nd stole the cotton clothing from a poor young women. Wish me luck!

Wanna see more pics? Only if you promise to vote first!

The Bronx Zoo!



Hey now!
So this will be quick and dirty...
Really great movie:

OH, and want to see something ridiculous??


daves dollar

Moment of the day:

So, i go to the gym, do my routine, then head down to Union Square to check out the little market they always have there. I get some banana bread (no nuts) (the banana bread, not me), and I mosey on down the way, check out the dog park, and then take a seat on the steps to relax a little while, the sun was shining, and its always nice to ease into the backdrop and watch the fellow humans pass by on there way to there immediate point B's. So i'm chillin there, and There are vendors pretty much everywhere, and I happen to notice an older fellow tending to his loot he had made that day at his little setup, and he dropped some money, and the wind swiftly took hold of it, making him dance to retrieve it all before it exited the imaginary boundaries of comfortability. Well, he missed a dollar, and it sat there helpless among all the people on the ground a few feet behind him. So I, being the good natured fellow I am, get up and frogger my way through the people to the hapless dollar, and give it back to the man. His back was to me, and when he noticed my hand and the dollar he was shocked, and the height of his eyebrows showed his appreciation. I walked away, heading toward the subway when i feel a tap on my golden brown shoulder, "here ya go, get yourself a soda!". It was the dollar! I gave a "shucks" like gesture, and smiled replied my thanks. Its one of those moments where its not about the dollar. The dollar becomes simply a gesture of kindness.

thats all for now... I'm watching "To Catch A Predator", its a marathon tonight on MSNBC!
All hail Chris Hanson!!

Gee whiz robert graber.... :(

"What are you doing here?"



Hey now! Its been awhile huh? yeah, it has!
Ok, so i've been working in Jersey the past few
weekends, promotions and all that jazz... First a
promo for AVP volleyball tournament, and last weekend
for "Rock Of Love" & "Scott Baio is 45 & Single"!

I have my first acting class tomorrow, i'm a bit nervous.
I need a monologue too. I had an audition yesterday, it
was a bust. I need to take a monologue class, badly.

i'm gonna go eat some applejacks, but here are my movie reviews
for some of the movies i've seen in the last two weeks or so!

Harry Potter & the Order of the Pheonix:
Very good movie. This was actually my least favorite book..
And I thought the movie was better! What I especially liked
was that it felt very dark indeed. The fight scenes, you could
hear the witches, and the chaos was somber. I also liked
dumbledore showing his true colors! The voldemort fight scene was clutch! I also liked when he peaced out with his pheonix, he knows when to get the hell out of dodge!

Transformers: Pretty fun movie! I missed the classic "energon cubes"
and the classic transformers transforming sound, but it was pretty

1408: Michelle liked this a little more than I did...
I was just hoping to be a little more scared or creeped out.
Granted i'm very particular in my horror flicks. I enjoyed the
build up to all the chaos very much though, and throw samuel L
Jackson in there, and i'm on cloud 9.