Lets see..what else can I enlighten you lovely folks with?? Hey. bi-monthly. is that twice a month? Inter-monthly? like intermittently? I put a new background on my phones front scrn, michelle, i bet you wanna know what it is!! ;) Anyway... yo grapes are bomb. I don't know what i'm talking about. I applied for a credit card. dude, got bit by the bug. The big bug. The L bug, the C bug, the D bug. figure it out..yes think. go back and read it again.... 42" inches of heaven baby. get out of the gutter jesus st. mary & joseph. oh no, some heretic is gonna take offense to that. Its my blog. My blog spilled all over the counter. to do what with i see fit. Doesn't have to make sense. peace out!
What up girls and ghouls! I did a catering gig, and I met a phantom this weekend. someone I thought only existed in the internal pathways of cell phone towers via txt messaging. A"Keyser Soze" of sorts. Moving on... so the catering gig, it was for high society in the upper vestries of "Bergan County, nj". yeah. There was a brief moment in time, when I was standing there, all professional like, in my Tux, with my bottle of wine snug amid my forearm and tenderfiddles, I thought to myself...if things turned black and white.... right at this moment...i c
ould be a slave. I could very well be an indentured servant in this house of all older caucasian men and women auctioning off random Horse related gear, funny helmets, high boots, dated embroidered cardigans, you know the sort. Speedboats...hell raffles going around for 500 bucks a bid! Oh yes, i keep my black ears wide up, as wide as the smile on my face! Yessum. And they sucked down that white wine like you would not believe! They were drinking that white wine so fast you would have thought it was milked clean from a fountain of youth. They all proceeded to dance and get drunk as skunks on christmas, hell a few ladies who lunched called me handsome once or twice, I just smiled and went on my merry way. They were good tippers, let me tell you. And oh my god the food. We eat the same food they do on our breaks, and it was phenomenal. I had some sort of minion and chicken and oh the deserts, this banana tart sorta pastry thing was scintillating! I took my first bite and just took a crap. everywhere. soooo good. Anyway, got my futon today. Moving in next weekend. gotta get a truck. do it up son. crazy. And yes, that birthday shout out was for you miss Laura Law!
Lets see..what else can I enlighten you lovely folks with?? Hey. bi-monthly. is that twice a month? Inter-monthly? like intermittently? I put a new background on my phones front scrn, michelle, i bet you wanna know what it is!! ;) Anyway... yo grapes are bomb. I don't know what i'm talking about. I applied for a credit card. dude, got bit by the bug. The big bug. The L bug, the C bug, the D bug. figure it out..yes think. go back and read it again.... 42" inches of heaven baby. get out of the gutter jesus st. mary & joseph. oh no, some heretic is gonna take offense to that. Its my blog. My blog spilled all over the counter. to do what with i see fit. Doesn't have to make sense. peace out!
Lets see..what else can I enlighten you lovely folks with?? Hey. bi-monthly. is that twice a month? Inter-monthly? like intermittently? I put a new background on my phones front scrn, michelle, i bet you wanna know what it is!! ;) Anyway... yo grapes are bomb. I don't know what i'm talking about. I applied for a credit card. dude, got bit by the bug. The big bug. The L bug, the C bug, the D bug. figure it out..yes think. go back and read it again.... 42" inches of heaven baby. get out of the gutter jesus st. mary & joseph. oh no, some heretic is gonna take offense to that. Its my blog. My blog spilled all over the counter. to do what with i see fit. Doesn't have to make sense. peace out!
Cool Beans
I hope everyones enjoying the weather! So, first things first...A buddy of mine has a company thats just getting off the ground, and is a great idea! Check it out if you get a moment.. www.Coolbeansdip.com

Oh man, i really want a big flat screen tv. I got bit by the bug i guess. My little nephew just came in with a blue mouth, dude to a lollipop he pilfered from my candy basket. I have no idea what he said.
Happy Birthday Laura!!! :)
Oh man, i really want a big flat screen tv. I got bit by the bug i guess. My little nephew just came in with a blue mouth, dude to a lollipop he pilfered from my candy basket. I have no idea what he said.
Happy Birthday Laura!!! :)
What up fools! busy weeekend for sure! Catered...did some promotions... Actually the LG national texting championships woo hoo!! I little 13 year old girl won 25,000 dollars actually!
Yeah, can you believe it! Anyway, yeah i was a referee, it was purdy fun. Disturbia...good movie, lovely thriller excecuted very well :) See it, bring a date! I almost got my arm ripped off at one point it was great, bring it back to the 80's folks!
Ah man, i spent way too much money. good thing i was working. I mean i was in the cotton fields lately. Its good though, i need the loot. Its like 80 out, i'm about to go to the gym. I have to cut my fingernails. I did a little spot for CurrentTV.com so i'll keep you posted on when that is up and about! "Look at me Charlie...up and about"!! So I was with Michelle on the subway and there was this fat guy, grumpy looking feller, breathing hard and muttering curses for the duration of ride...we think he had a fart in his brain or something. Anyway, i'm off to the gym, chuck you lata!
Ah man, i spent way too much money. good thing i was working. I mean i was in the cotton fields lately. Its good though, i need the loot. Its like 80 out, i'm about to go to the gym. I have to cut my fingernails. I did a little spot for CurrentTV.com so i'll keep you posted on when that is up and about! "Look at me Charlie...up and about"!! So I was with Michelle on the subway and there was this fat guy, grumpy looking feller, breathing hard and muttering curses for the duration of ride...we think he had a fart in his brain or something. Anyway, i'm off to the gym, chuck you lata!
Hey now! It's been a long week. Once again the city has sucked me in, and I can't go home! Oh well, soon home will no longer be down in the depths of Jersey... :: excited :: Anywho... So what have i been up to? I went to see my friend Ashley's show, and wow. In a word, IMPRESSED! It was a really great show, its nice to see my friends doing what they love, and being really great at it :)
Today, we did a promotion for "EuropeisShrinking.com" where we went all around NYC singing a little song, about 100 of us. Then i relaxed, then I catered a private party on the top of the Gramercy Hotel. Some of the names that were there... Sam Rockwell, Damon Dash, Piper Perabo, hmmm...oh and this young lady did indeed ask me if i could go find her something chocolatey to eat...Adriana Lima. She was very...normal. It's funny, to those people, drugfreedave doesn't exist. I was just that black waiter guy. Actually no, i probably was equivalent to a walking nobody. An apparition...just not as intriguing. (i'm alive). (I do exist)
Don't I?
I worked out my baby calves yesterday, so they're oober sore right now. Thats good though.
I missed Lost tonight. I can't believe this damn Tila Tequila commercial i'm seeing right
Doing what you want
hey you! if you would like to skip my week in a nutshell, feel free. towards the bottom, after the highlighted Title "Doing what you want" is a little dave reed philosophy for ya, if anything just read that. and now...my week in a nutshell...
I hope you all had a lovely weekend! i also hope you enjoyed the exploits of one "Miss GOOD.."!!
Anyway, I've been a busy bee...Tuesday a catering gig for the Sundance Channel, it was in A huge expensive furniture store on 19th & Broadway, hmm Wednesday...nothing exciting, Thursday morning I had a call-back for a Washington Mutual print ad, which I did not book. Assholes. And they are my f*ing bank too! Jack donkeys. Oh well, i'm over it. later that day, had another catering gig actually Thursday was the Sundance thing, i haven't a clue what i did Tuesday. Probably just sat being black. Friday I had a shoot for "Occunomix" they make all the bright and reflective stuff for construction companies, the people down working in the subways, anything you see thats bright and/or reflective. It was in Long Island, i had to get up at 6:30 to be at Penn St. at 7:30, to be there at 9:30. your boy was tired. i'm talking dung beetle tired. Later that day, Met up with pumpkin brain for awhile (Michelle aka whippersnapper) thats about it, i had to pack it in early cause i had another catering gig sat. morning. So yeah, sat. morning had another catering gig, for NYU Medical class reunion...graduation dates went all the way back
Doing what you want.
Doing what you want to do is the most unnatural things in life for humans. We are trained to follow. To follow directions, we have our lives set up for us. Our norms, or likes and dislikes. What to buy, what to eat, what to wear. I am an artist. The hardest thing about art, is creating. Not recreating, but drawing something that truly comes from you. It took me years to figure out that I am allowed to draw whatever I want to draw. It sounds simple, but most artist, and drawing, and paintings, are normal. mainstream. Not to hold anything against said works or artists, but I prefer to create something that is impossible to duplicate. The ideas, the look, the feel. To be inspiring. How do you get there? i don't really know. I've been called inspiring..my "career" which doesn't exist.. or does it. My artwork, which is what I love. Maybe i shouldn't say doing what you want. but doing what makes you happy. Living a happy life. It's all perspective. People tend to view me as doing big things, successful. Life is a struggle, but the pursuit of happiness is a driving force. I'm not rich. But I can always draw, that makes me happy. I have people who care about me, that makes me happy.
Thanks for stopping by, whomever you may be :) whomever or whoever?
Colors and Bunnies
I had a pretty good weekend!! Pancakes from scratch, good lord. amaaazing! Thanks Michelle ;) Heavenly even! haha, and Easter, spent with the fam, good times indeed Those are my two nephews, Jared(left)& Jace!!! :) Unfortunately...today is monday, had to wake up oober early...A casting for Jeep (Print casting) and then i had work for HGTV Colorsplash!
I'm going to post another installation of "IN MY INBOX" soon..this one lady, she keeps writing me, and I don't write her back, but she will not stop! It's really scary actually. I got a few other interesting msg's i'll share with you too. Random Fact: when i was a junior in High School, i couldn't find a date to the prom, so luckily, my friend Jen had a friend that went with me! Random Fact II: The two books i have on my computer desk right now to the right and left of my computer are "Anatomy for the Artist", and "Rembrandt: his life, his works, his time".
Well, I shall let you resume your life now, thanks for sharing your last few minutes, with your buddy davey :)
Happy easter :)
It's thursday night, i have a shoot in the morning, a "Test" shoot for the cover of Mens Health! Note: This doesn't mean i'll be on the cover. It's just a test shoot, i'm actually not really sure what it means in this instance actually. But I did have to shave, everywhere. I have a lovely peach pie, that I cannot devour until tomorrow after the shoot. Cross your fingers again that all goes well, last time, it helped a lot. Did you know Firefox has these themes and cool plug-ins you can get for free?? Just click tools and "add-ons". :) It's almost easter! Hopefully i'll be home for easter...lately its been so hectic. Random Fact: I went jogging last night, and I lost the little felt casing i always kept my ipod in. I don't appreciate it. I went to the gym today, good workout. I only did like 5 minutes on the pre-core. I hate that thing. My buddy Lisa tries to murder me on it. (do a 10
minute workout on it). Murder. Well, i don't really have much excitingness, so I'll just find a pictures that you can look at and call it a day... I took this pic at the "Top of the Rock" at Rockefeller Center in NYC, with my friends Jelka & Urska, and yes, leave it to me to be chasing a fly with my camera snapping away, trying to be artsy. And just so you know, that building in the background sticking up..thats the empire state building. Ok, i need to go get ready, until next time :) HAPPY EASTER FOLKS!!!!
Fluffy Superstar
I <3 New York!! By the time i finish this...I'll be talking about who won the show...but until then.. :)
Firstly, for anyone who hasn't seen the -Little Superstar-... How badass is that litte feller! Anyway, TANGO!! wow, i'm shocked..as with the "viewers Choice" who thought Chance would win!! haha anyway... I had a good weekend! I hope you did too...the fun ceased as work started this morning (Monday morning) at 7:45 - 2pm, and let me tell you it was COLD out! It's really funny to me how when I do promotions, there is no "drug free dave"at all... i'm ignored! haha, My team of 3 were out in Times square giving out some free notepads promoting a show on HGTV "Color Splash". It's so hard to give things out, New Yorkers are very accustomed to not taking anything on the sidewalk, and I admit, i usually never do, but its funny being on the other side of the table, and just being ignored by all! I've done it for so long, i'm quite used to that sort of treatment :) I realized this weekend that I unknowingly brought two different flip flops. I mean they are both leather and the same color, but different. oh well. I just have to show you this cute guy again....
How cute is THAT! yeah yeah I know, its not manly to really flip out like that, but oh well, you should hear the voices i make! haha yeah yeah I know you know Pumpking Brain ;)
Random Fact: The last thing I ate was: From McDonald's- a honey mustard snack wrap, a small fry (french fries, not some poor whimpering fish), A biscuit from Popeye's (with all fruit jam smeared on top), a sunday with strawberry topping, and some grape gatorade to drink. I need to not drink gatorade anymore because my dentist says the back of my teeth are quite glossy, which may be caused by drink lots of acidic drinks....(or throwing up often, but I haven't in years)
I missed the last two epiodes of Rome, sorry Torey.
I also have no more new episodes of 24 on my ipod, i'm very saddened by this.
I think thats all for now, i'm gonna relax. I hope you're having a relaxing night as well :)
Firstly, for anyone who hasn't seen the -Little Superstar-... How badass is that litte feller! Anyway, TANGO!! wow, i'm shocked..as with the "viewers Choice" who thought Chance would win!! haha anyway... I had a good weekend! I hope you did too...the fun ceased as work started this morning (Monday morning) at 7:45 - 2pm, and let me tell you it was COLD out! It's really funny to me how when I do promotions, there is no "drug free dave"at all... i'm ignored! haha, My team of 3 were out in Times square giving out some free notepads promoting a show on HGTV "Color Splash". It's so hard to give things out, New Yorkers are very accustomed to not taking anything on the sidewalk, and I admit, i usually never do, but its funny being on the other side of the table, and just being ignored by all! I've done it for so long, i'm quite used to that sort of treatment :) I realized this weekend that I unknowingly brought two different flip flops. I mean they are both leather and the same color, but different. oh well. I just have to show you this cute guy again....

How cute is THAT! yeah yeah I know, its not manly to really flip out like that, but oh well, you should hear the voices i make! haha yeah yeah I know you know Pumpking Brain ;)
Random Fact: The last thing I ate was: From McDonald's- a honey mustard snack wrap, a small fry (french fries, not some poor whimpering fish), A biscuit from Popeye's (with all fruit jam smeared on top), a sunday with strawberry topping, and some grape gatorade to drink. I need to not drink gatorade anymore because my dentist says the back of my teeth are quite glossy, which may be caused by drink lots of acidic drinks....(or throwing up often, but I haven't in years)
I missed the last two epiodes of Rome, sorry Torey.
I also have no more new episodes of 24 on my ipod, i'm very saddened by this.
I think thats all for now, i'm gonna relax. I hope you're having a relaxing night as well :)
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