to the hub-bub for awhile, then hang up. haha. Abby actually called for a split second then it hung up too! haha oh well :)
Killer Klowns
Wow, its so amazing to me the way things just take over. Myspace spam, Viagra commercials on TV, I Love New york. The world is a funny place, and we...a very amusing species. I was on the subway today, and a little black kid had a sword that lit up, apparently him and a few others had just come from the Barnum and Bailey's Circus. He was play swinging it at a 30 something yr old white guy who happened to be sitting across from him in a sweatervest and khakis, and in my head i thought "Imagine if that little guys sword was magic, and turned into a light sabre, and it just sliced right through that guy". The abhorrent shock of it all. Women curdle screaming, and some asshole would go and pull the emergency break. My friend Natasha just called me by accident, and I sat there for 2 minutes listening to the hub-bub. Stan does that often too, i listen
to the hub-bub for awhile, then hang up. haha. Abby actually called for a split second then it hung up too! haha oh well :)
haha, holy shit.... rememeber this??? Killer Klowns from Outer Space!! I reloaded the main page at least 10 times just for the lovely sound when you first enter the page! Ok, well listen, i hope you're having a lovely night, and have a good weekend too...i'll try to stop by tomorrow, but we'll see! might have to wait till sundeee. until next time, my lovelies~
to the hub-bub for awhile, then hang up. haha. Abby actually called for a split second then it hung up too! haha oh well :)
Today is a good day
So are ya'll ready for The finally of I <3 New york! Shitcheah! I am, i can't wait actually. 4/2/2007...actually i'll probably be working, but whatever. Those previews get you want'n to watch! fightin and hissin and ouf, it'll be good! Ok...hmm lets see what else can i bore you with...
I'm off to play darts...brb
Tokyo Rockstar
I haven't been home for a week now. I have to work in the morning, then i can finally get home.
closer to wanting to go to sleep.
oh, and michelle, cd-rw can be re-written, but in order to actually use the disc you have to "close" it out -at which point it cannot be re-burned- so maybe she didn't close the discs out correctly..??
I have no more clean underwear, so good thing i'm going home Tomorrow.
Ok, now go watch these funny videos!!!
THEN, watch this:
Hey now...busy day today. Worked early. After work had a casting, after the casting went to see an Apartment! Looks good....i'm excited. I've already been in the city for 2 days, and i'm working tomorrow too. Actually, i have to meet with some people about my art, then rush to a casting, then back to work again!
The weather has been so nice! My quality of life goes up because of this warm weather. I gain energy from the sun. I need to organize my art, i'm procrastinating. I was watching "An Inconvenient Truth" but didn't finish it. I just ironed a black button up shirt, but not sure if i'm gonna wear it to the casting.
God I love being a turtle! ha yup the movie is now out! I must say, i wish it was guys in turtle suits rather than all CG. (3-d)
Ninja warrior is an awesome show! I finished my strawberry-rhubarb pie. it was so good. Oh so good!
Cross your fingers for me tomorrow... with my audition, i think if you will help!
OH man, i forgot to put deodorant on today, and as you know, it was a hot day! not good not good. They don't anymore...actually why did i even tell you about that.
My boxerbriefs are orange.
ok, i need to get my artwork together, i'll catch you later!!!
God I love being a turtle! ha yup the movie is now out! I must say, i wish it was guys in turtle suits rather than all CG. (3-d)
Ninja warrior is an awesome show! I finished my strawberry-rhubarb pie. it was so good. Oh so good!
Cross your fingers for me tomorrow... with my audition, i think if you will help!
OH man, i forgot to put deodorant on today, and as you know, it was a hot day! not good not good. They don't anymore...actually why did i even tell you about that.
My boxerbriefs are orange.
ok, i need to get my artwork together, i'll catch you later!!!
Blah Tuesday

Hey you. To the left is just a little drawing I did awhile back. is tuesday, didn't do much. Not much to talk about. Nothing exciting at least. Watched Lost. Worked out in my room some. Ninja warriors is a great show.
I need to go to sleep, gotta wake up early tomorrow.
I cut my hair, its really short. Actually i need to take a shower, thanks for reminding me. One of my favorite movies was on last night, Me and You and everyone we know. I might have talked about it in the previous post. i don't remember.
Random fact: did i tell you about my plastic barrels of Cotton Candy? they're good.
Ok, sorry this was boring, next time i promise to excite you!
Torey And I enjoyed some Strawberry & Rhubarb pie, its pretty good. Lori is going to kill me for not calling her back yet, i'm scared. I can't believe how much they're showing that Hillary youtube video that no one knows where it came from.
Random fact for today: When i went to get the pie from the store, I was indeed going Commando.
<<~~ Just some sketches I did tonight :)
Somber Sunday
Ugh..whats life have in store for Drugfreedave. I often find myself wondering whats happening. Today was somewhat somber...thinking of the future. What am i doing, what do i need to do, how will i get things done. Sometimes i get myself know. What does it take to be happy.
Money, and I need more of it. I need some projects, i need some avenues. Some Lucrative avenues. I find i do lots of things, with no gain for me. Ah, yeah i do do that.
Anyway, I'm doing an HGTV promo tomorrow, actually in a few hours. i should be sleeping right now, oh well. I took a nap earlier, so i'm not too tired. I don't have snuggies, so i'll be cold outside tomorrow :( Well, another day, another dime, thanks for stopping by....i'll be back later!!

Anyway, I'm doing an HGTV promo tomorrow, actually in a few hours. i should be sleeping right now, oh well. I took a nap earlier, so i'm not too tired. I don't have snuggies, so i'll be cold outside tomorrow :( Well, another day, another dime, thanks for stopping by....i'll be back later!!
Hey there! What the hell is up with all the cold and snowy and slush?? Seriously already. Anyway...So yes, thats my back. I had shoot today for Radar Magazine article about the death of a Gang Member who was In Iraq, A US military Soldier. let me see if i can find related info... Here to read a related article.
It's about 9:30pm, friday night. I'm bored! I'm hungry too, but its so cold out, and "slippy" as Bear Grylls would say. Don't know who Bear Grylls is?? Check him out: Bear Grylls He has a show on Discovery Man Vs Wild, its badass.
I finally got those hot dogs. Its miserable outside. the slush is the killer. My chucks were no match. Oh well, i'm all full now :)
Well, i hope you're having an exciting night...
its hermit time for me!
Dfd :)
I grin
As I walked up 7th ave today towards Penn Station, i listened to Michael Andrews, composer for the music in the movie "Me and You and Everyone we know", and I smiled. Something about the music makes everything move in slow motion. I look at the people and realize we're all in this together. I grin. I look at peoples faces, and I find it amusing that to them, i'm just some guy walking down the street, i mean nothing, and in a few seconds i will cease to exist. I smile. I notice certain people see me smile, and they smile. We humans are a funny species. I grin.
hey fools, i just took some video for a new blog. Hell yes i've been slacking. My bad. I'm feeling alright tonight. Hey who are you, I'm always curious who's reading this. You're not gonna tell me are you. Something about red color pencil makes me draw so much better. I secured my homes wireless connection tonight. who cares right! I wore a pink t-shirt today, its funny, i always wonder what people think of me in a pink t-shirt. I like the shirt, so i don't care, but its still funny. Happy Birthday Matt, and Happy Birthday Elissa! Neither will see these shout outs most likely. The tree falling in the forest. I miss storms. I missed Lost tonight. I'm watching mythbusters on tv right now..well listening actually cause i'm writing on this. I have a feelings its going to be a good year.
A sketch I did of an alligator, enjoying a martini apparently.
hey fools, i just took some video for a new blog. Hell yes i've been slacking. My bad. I'm feeling alright tonight. Hey who are you, I'm always curious who's reading this. You're not gonna tell me are you. Something about red color pencil makes me draw so much better. I secured my homes wireless connection tonight. who cares right! I wore a pink t-shirt today, its funny, i always wonder what people think of me in a pink t-shirt. I like the shirt, so i don't care, but its still funny. Happy Birthday Matt, and Happy Birthday Elissa! Neither will see these shout outs most likely. The tree falling in the forest. I miss storms. I missed Lost tonight. I'm watching mythbusters on tv right now..well listening actually cause i'm writing on this. I have a feelings its going to be a good year.

A sketch I did of an alligator, enjoying a martini apparently.
Insaneness. the picture below is my butt, where, a cute little dog named "Harry" has nestled, taking advantage of my warmth and contours. This is a result of a night filled with debauchery, alcohol, and carnal instinct. Well, except for Harry and I, we're complete angels, innocent of any and all charges. eff eye eff FIF! My mother bought me these little buckets of cotton candy, although I can't eat anymore because i also had a cherry pepsi, and..well that's enough sugar to choke an otter. You want to hear more about the party don't you. Hmm, do you remember those old abercrombie catalogs?? Yup, that's pretty much it. Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely weekend...oh yeah Sunday I had work in the morning, someone spilled a drink all over my shirt at the party so i had to buy a new one. Pictures? What pictures...
I hand delivered a switcheroo earlier. A customer needed a different shirt size. The switch was made at my old High School. I finished the other half of my peach pie today too. I watched 16 candles last night..well half of it, its a really great movie. Makes me realize how much I miss the good old 80's. I wasn't even close to being in high school then, but i think 80's high school would have been much fun. There is 96 $ coins in my larger coin jar, 43$ in my smaller one, have a great weekend-

Brakes n Peaches
Ahh man, had to take my car for a check-up today. Needed new break-pads...-250.00 Oh well. I sat in the waiting room for about 3 hours total, luckily I had Jack bauer to keep me company. (the show 24 on my video ipod) I decided I deserved a peach pie, which I bought at the local piggly wiggly, and I got lucky, they were on sale for 2.99! I felt like I had been touched by an angel. I liked it. I liked it a lot.
just another day
Man, i didn't do anything today. I woke up sick, took a dayquill. I almost choked on it actually, they're such fat pills. I embarrassed myself that i almost choked on it. Anyway, ugh my nose, coughing...not fun. I then went outside in the snow to take some pictures. It's funny, as i'm walking I couldn't help but thinking how many people would think it odd for me to be out in the
weather on my own accord to take pictures...but then I realize this is the kind thing that makes me me, that makes me different then everyone else. Here is one of my pics:

Have a lovely night kids.
weather on my own accord to take pictures...but then I realize this is the kind thing that makes me me, that makes me different then everyone else. Here is one of my pics:
Have a lovely night kids.
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